Day 21-24 Holland

Day 21-24 Holland

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

25/6 Groningen and over the dam/dyke at Isjlmeer (12 miles long). Heavy rain all the way to Utrecht. Big site with water skiing. Still raining and 11 deg C.

26/6 Strandcamping Groede. Cycled east along the dunes (12 miles) and getting hotter. Dinner at Puur beach house.

27/6 Hot! 34 Deg C.
Cycled into Breskens then beach in the late afternoon.

28/6 Still hot but thunderstorms in the night. Drove into Breskens and bought some bike bits, then onto Guines: Site full, so ended up 16miles south of Calais in Liques.


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